As the old saying goes, my life begun at 40. It really did. Can one imagine a grown professional man, a photographer with a large business of his own, living at the creative edge of life, a wild youth of pain and joy ... realising, almost suddenly, that his past existence had been to him virtually meaningless and that the only reality left from it was a giant hole in the heart? At 40 the DarkHole begun to heal ....Yoga appeared in the horizon and a fresh chapter manifested. The expansion of my consciousness took me to devour spiritual books,
astrology, psychology and begun asking deep questions. I became aware that I had never been able to Love. I mean that openness inside, that warmth generated by accepting, that willingness to understand. I grew up in post-WW3 Rome where the daily reality were fear, sorrow, martyrdom, frustration, resentment, anger, and life was lived at a survival level. My family had been gradually drained of feelings through the experience of war.
What to expect? Where would I learn about love? ....