Feelings belong to Spirit, your Soul. They are not negotiable, they just are. I remember when I was never aware of them, not really knowing what to look for. It was so difficult for me to express them especially when I was being asked: what do you feel.... I used to search for them, within and in panic, in a futile attempt to describe them. I could never find them and, ending up embarrassed, I learned how to avoid the questions. So I lived in limbo and in my head which was full of reasons and excuses and blame. I lived in a constant state of defense, reacting to every situation and without an obvious centre. Exactly... without a centre, a home to relate to, a home to feel.
The difference now is that by 'feeling' where I am I 'know' where that is and any 'situation' is happening 'out there'
not 'in me' so I can deal with it objectively. My feelings are the reality in which I live; what happens in my life is an 'out there' , a something that happens to me and therefore I deal with it guided by my intelligence.
Thank you for sharing your story with such honesty, I, for certain, know that myself and so many others would agree with that perfect description of our human condition.