Desire is the ground of my life. I feel it when it begins to generate passion. I compare it to the engine of a car (desire) when it develops power to move (passion). In relation to the spiritual path, desire is often misunderstood, particularly in the realm of advaita-vedanta philosophy of non-duality. As we awaken to the truth of what we are, it is true that our desire for the superficial and the ephemeral things of this world will become less because our spiritual desire will be gradually increasing. So enlightenment is not about ending desire. It is about shifting it naturally to higher truth,deeper into awareness, until all desire is dissolved in the reality of Oneness, the unending outpouring of love.
As I keep practicing my sadhana (spiritual practice), my desire for the Truth, the Meaning, is generating more a more passion for it. More horse-power.....
there's a lovely sankrit word for this - mumukshutva! the intense desire for spiritual awakening. sometimes this seems at odds with the acceptance of living presently but you have expressed this paradox well.