Sunday, 29 March 2009


(photo by Fausto of East Row in full moon)
Awareness is the presence of my Soul, my Spirit. Before I became Fausto I just was;  an immense landscape lost
beyond the horizon. No thought could possibly emerge in that space because there was no mind, the receiver and transmitter of electromagnetic wavebands. My mind came as a package with the creation of a human body that the mind quickly called Fausto. When I realized that the guy I called Fausto was a projection  my mind, a kind of hologram,   I 'saw'  in a flash the vastness of my Essence. Once aware of my Awareness, my world became fuller and more fascinating. I couldn't take photographs any longer as a commercial job because I could not 'see' what everyone else was seeing and calling Reality. I slowly grew out of a profession to grow slowly into another: Yoga.
Awareness home is the right hemisphere of the brains: the ability of perceiving data without the presence of thought. A direct connection with the Spirit. 

1 comment:

  1. just love reading about your own way and the chages you faced moving from the "old" life into yoga...
    i face many similar situations as you know...
