Tuesday, 10 March 2009

I created the Innergy Centre because I needed to ground my practice, the 'work on myself', in a steady every day routine surrounded by a purposeful environment. My personal practice and my teaching experience.
I needed a platform to convey the broader picture of Yoga, the Yoga that will support the true expression of your potentials. The Centre had to become a space where, almost spontaneously, a creative lifestyle would emerge and a truer way of relating would evolve. 12 years later, through a steady, often challenging progress, I feel I have conquered most of my demons and open the path for many others to conquer theirs.


  1. Hi Fausto, the crucial thing at Innergy is that you, Fausto, are always 'present' and 'focussed' and 'believe' in what you are doing and this is so evident in the aura that you have created at Innergy. It's not just a job, another class, a motonony... it's a way of life, a way of living...a way of... being, with a capital B! This 'innergy/enenrgy' and 'being' in the moment is sustaining and nourishing and is the work that I am trying to acheive, and just occassionally get there. The 'vibration' that you are able to attain is the goal, Wow!
    What you 'put out' for those who can receive, is nourishment for the mind & body; not just physical but metaphysical. Long may it last.

    Oh and about the Innergy soup, please don't blame Fausto for raising this as this is my idea - I just want the recipe so I can enjoy it at home now and again as I can't get to the studio as often as I'd like these days. It's not for the public domain - just fellow blogging soup loving Innergarians. Namaste; Aaram Se, Keith

  2. Great man. Im very fond of you and the good memories we have at Innergy. As I don't have any 'goals' in life but just a series of 'moments'
    that evolve within themselves, I find it difficult to have a sense of achievement, to feel satisfied for what I have done in the past. I am continuously living on a razor's edge: each moment has to produce the satisfaction of achievement which helps me to move on.
    Soooo... to stay focused and consistent in time is not difficult for me.
    It just is.
