Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Today sees the beginning of Innergylife Blog with a hope that everybody in our team will contribute to 
an open communication directly from the heart.
((((((omshanti))))))  Faustomaria


  1. Hi Fausto, I am looking forward to your daily relections, what grabs you, makes you laugh, makes you cry, and knowing what is going on in your facinating mind!!

    love Marylou

  2. what is happening to your spelling? I just had a meeting with Mike Thownsend discussing possibilities for an online magazine that will reflect our Innergy views and stimulate a closer involvement for the people who practice with us.

  3. Hi, the previous post was by me , not Jnanadev. Error....

  4. I feel such a sense of urgency to gather this team of people who understand and feel the necessity for a different way of life. We really need to open up new horizons and support the talents we have to achieve them.

  5. I spent last 12 years at Innergy like having been on a mountain retreat.
    I have lived within, in my inner environment, through untold challenges in order to burn my karma and experience a glimpse of integration.
    My outer me, my persona, has always, always been such a solid support, extraordinarily unchanging, steadily nurturing my inner turmoils.
    I am totally fascinated by the present stage of my journey to freedom.

  6. Hello Innergy Team..
    I am reading this from Namibia. A test run for the blog from Southern Africa! I'm in a shabby little office, bullfrogs are outside making a racket. I've spent a day photographing cheetah and leopard at the 'Africat Foundation' - their beautiful markings, their wide eyes... Soon to return home, this short adventure has challenged me to dig still deeper and to move past internal barriers. Whether in Africa, Italy, Pimlico or St Albans, my raja experience at Innergy guides me. It has changed my relationship towards myself and hence to the world. The steps towards inner freedom also hold a great fascination for me, so I am honoured and very happy to be able to spend time at Innergy with people close to me heart.

  7. Hi Lou... what an adventure u r going through! yet.....I feel u understand that Namibia and St.Albans have the same weight on the scale of your values. They are facets of the same diamond.
    Your words reassure me that I am not ...wasting my time.We'll find our own place very soon and rise from the floor of Innergy.

  8. Today I find it difficult to concentrate on any task. I want to fly here and there on the wings of fantasy. In my ideal world we would all smile and feel interested in everybody's experiences. Relate to the environment.
    A veil of sadness shrouds my feelings when I exchange with people who are numb or defensive or wrapped in their own story. How to help the world to open up to enthusiasm? Even the practice of Yoga is suffering from the numbing malady, a jaded reality. It is so easy to focus on negative attitudes because they require no commitment, no flow of energy. I wish I could have more resources at my disposal to instill that precious sense of positiveness, the lead to joy.

  9. I feel today is about how to accept and relax. Check your environment and note whether you are feeling comfortable with it. Why are you there?
    Do nothing about it, just note it and relax.
    ((((((om shanti))))

  10. Stripped of the intellectual layers, Yoga is about Relating.
    Relating to oneself, others and the environment. In Yoga we create,relentlessly, homes and fireplaces. An inner home where your heart can comfortably rest. An actual home or centre where one returns after the challenges of the outer world. A home in the mind where clarity of thinking forms a nest for confidence and trust.

  11. Today is pretty spectacular with light so sharp and air so crisp.
    There is a hint of spring on the leaves of the creepers along the walls of our building. During my meditation, earlier at dawn, I felt the energy of the rising sun streaming in my veins, awakening the chemistry of my body. A sudden realization stirred my mind: the Presence of Universal Consciousness. We, as we think we are, are just a ripple in the vastness of the sea. During meditation my thought's pattern slowed down allowing an open space within. My feelings were, therefore, left naked and alert. It was then that I felt the Universe, the Atman, entering me through the rising sun. For a fraction of a second I became Vibration.

  12. Hi, i am commenting from my computer without having become a follower.

    I love reading your thought Fausto and Lou.

    I've been thinking about taking care to put myself in to everything I do. Putting the extra mile in to express my true thoughts without letting things go because they may seem perfectly satisfactory to anyone else.

    Seeing the bigger picture of what it is that I want to achieve and keeping that vision without being seduced and distracted by the detail.

    With such a training of wanting to please others or be approved by others (which I'm sure most of us share) it's easy for me loose sight of what my own idea is.
    This yoga practise that we share is all about our relationship with ourselves. Before I started yoga there was only out there, other people, there was NO 'I' to even relate to. Ironically this made me very selfish. My need for the approval of others was a heavy burden for the others to carry. This was my responsibility for myself thrown at the feet of others!
    So here I am somewhere along my journey wanting to take more responsibility for whatever it is that I feel so I can express it more clearly.
    The painting I am doing is the perfect vehicle for this sort of work.

  13. Hi there Fausto, one of your teachers inspired me yesterday to get on with my own home practice, which I have been struggling with for months. With just a few short words, I saw the vision in my mind. I cannot get to Innergy as I much as I would like to at this moment. I just want to say thank you again for creating such a beautiful space called Innergy.

  14. So happy to come to Satsang last night and feel the steady clearing and opening relationship during chanting. Wow. Today I feel inspired and happy in the sunlight, and I feel your/the sadness Faustoji. Our support from St Albans is always with you. Our thanks and appreciation unfailing.

  15. Last night Kirtan was a moving one for me: so many special people in my team. I felt their support and admired their talent. The power of Yoga is fascinating.... it brings us so close often without realizing it because Yoga is not a club or a dogma or a uniform. We are linked by our hearts.
    Thank you Laura, Dee,Joe, Demian, Rosina, Nicky L,Negi,
    Shahrokh,Guillelm, Helena, Lucille... and all of you.

  16. Fausto
    I was moved by what you wrote on 6th March. You are not someone who talks much about your inner experience within yoga, and I've always wondered what went on in those precious and private hours in the morning when you do your own practice. What inspires me is that you have so much mundane stuff to contend with, running a business, dealing with people but you don’t let the pettiness of that make you lose sight of the vastness of the bigger picture. I love to be reminded of this image, us as waves on the ocean thinking we are separate from each other, what a JOKE!
    Loving you and Innergy and everyone there.

  17. For all these years, 25 at least, I have been working at 'burning my karma' and cleanse my spiritual home. It has been a very intimate journey, so challenging in its vertical climb, that left me no room for engaging self expression. No need to have an audience or share any achievement. Very hard.
    The progress in the spiritual path doesn't show in 'medals' but in 'change'........ommmmmmmmmmmmmm

  18. Marylou,
    thank you for your words. I feel so good when I am being acknowledged.
    Not necessarily praised, just feeling that I exist in the eyes of others.

  19. Hi,
    could we get the recipe for our soup and crumble on this blog?
    Mlou, Lucille, ......

  20. My God The Recipie in the PUBLIC DOMAIN
    what a Sacrilege are you sure you want to do that? Rosa has the written version I will see if i can get it.
    People can see it (but for a small fee) ;-)
